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For New Application? Registration
Highlights of the Functioning Of Kerala State Pharmacy Council
The Council Office at Thiruvananthapuram Registering the names of persons who have passed Diploma / Degree in Pharmacy from Institutions approved by the Pharmacy Council of India.
Registration certificate and Identity Card will be issued to all Registered Pharmacists in the state of Kerala.
Inspections are conducted in all places where drugs are prepared, compounded, mixed or dispensed, according to section 26 of the Pharmacy Act 1948.
Pharmacy Inspectors are appointed to check the violation of section 42 of the Pharmacy Act 1948.
Continuing Education Programs are arranged in various districts for updating the knowledge of the Pharmacists.
Seminars, Workshops, Public Meetings, Exhibitions etc. are conducted to educate the public about the role of Pharmacist in Health Care System.
Computer training is arranged to all the Registered Pharmacists and Pharmacy students of the state of Kerala at various centers throughout the State.
Advanced level computer courses have been started exclusively for pharmacists and pharmacy students to make them members of IT community.
Cash awards and memento are given to the children of Registered Pharmacists who secure top marks in SSLC exam.
Cash awards and memento are given to the top scorers in B.Pharm and D.Pharm examinations conducted in the state of Kerala.
Token amount of Rs.25, 000/- (Rupees Twenty five Thousand only) will be given to the family of deceased Pharmacists, having expired before attaining the age of 55.
A "Pharmacists Desk Reference" will be published as a reference book to the community of pharmacists.
An exclusive software has been developed to cater to the needs of the Pharmacists in the next millennium. This will be available for a subscribed rate of Rs.2,500/-
"Pharmacy Bhavan", the headquarters of the State Pharmacy Council is constructed with all modern facilities.
Air-conditioned conference hall will be available for all official and non-official meetings with a nominal rent. All records including the Registration documents have been computerized.
Non-refundable deposit scheme has been introduced to help the Pharmacists for their regular renewal.
Pension scheme has been implemented to the staff members of the Council.
Wage and service conditions of the staff of the Council has been improved a lot on par with those of the state government employees.
A website has been created for the Kerala State Pharmacy Council and details of member Pharmacists will be included in separate web pages.